
براجراف عن كرة القدم

جمعنا لكم افضل موضوع تعبير وبراجراف عن كرة القدم ، تعتبر كرة القدم من اكثر الألعاب الرياضية التي يحبها ويتابعها معظم الشباب من مختلف الدول حول العالم، فهي الرياضة المفضلة أيضا عند العيد من الناس، لما لها من متعة خاصة عند مشاهدة فهي تزيد من روح المنافسة بين الفريقين بالاضافة إلى انها تعلم العديد من الأخلاق والصفات الحميدة ومنها حب الغير وعدم الانانية بالاضافة إلى العديد من الفوائد الأخرى، فإليكم براجراف عن كرة القدم.

براجراف عن كرة القدم

That’s what makes football wonderful, a dedicated collective spirit that fights together. So whenever there are a good understanding and communication between the players you will find great achievements and a wonderful organized game which makes fans who love this sport feel happy.

One of the most beautiful games that can be played are group games, where develop the individual spirit of cooperation, and love of the team, and attract the person towards the collective action, and one of these games is the game of football, which is one of the most popular sports practiced, and follow-up by all the people in the world.

Within the sport of soccer, we discover a aggressive spirit that every one staff members have. Soccer requires an idealistic mentality, respectful of communication, and collective spirit, which helps the success of any staff even when it competes in opposition to an enormous staff with the perfect and most well-known gamers.

Many of the traffic accidents have been exposed to people I know because of their street play, and playing football inside the house is also forbidden because we often break furniture and windows while playing.

Since childhood, football has attracted many followers especially children, and continues to practice during the first period of their lives and then stop at puberty. But many adults are still playing football. It must be said that like all sports, football brings many health benefits that add to the fun of playing as a team, and the fun challenge that exists among friends. Football for children and adults is therefore very interesting and popular.

At most times we can not play, the adults refuse to play in the afternoon when the sun is hot because the heat of the sun can hit us with a blow to the sun; for that, we practice our games in the time of Alas, The practice of football in the winter is difficult; because of the cold air, and because of the possibility of falling.

Soccer is beneficial for the guts. Soccer requires a number of physicality’s and permits the event of the guts muscle and with repeated efforts, the power will achieve and work longer with out failure. Consequently, your coronary heart fee will sluggish, your blood strain will lower, and your coronary heart will develop into more healthy. You possibly can lastly climb the steps with out getting breathless. So I like to train it to get good well being to assist me battle to age.

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