براجراف في حب التعليم
نقدم لكم افضل موضوع تعبير و براجراف في حب التعليم ، يعتبر التعليم هو اساس رفعة شأن أي دولة في العالم، فالتعليم يترتب عليه اساسيات المجالات الأخرى، فالتعليم هو الذي يجعل ابناء الوطن ينشأوا على العلم والمكافحة وتعلم الغير، فلذلك ينبغي أن تهتم كل دولة بمجال التعليم لديها لتخريج دفعات نافعة للمجتمع والوطن، فإليكم براجراف في حب التعليم.
براجراف في حب التعليم
Education is the cornerstone we set for the beginning of building a better society with soundness and principles which has great ambitions and dreams and aspirations to achieve them, no matter how hard they face, they always find the experience that helps them overcome this without making mistakes. Therefore education is very important to maintain the progress of societies and keep them from diseases and strife that may lead to their destruction.
As well as the self-improvement that can be acquired by students of the humanities and in particular students of religious sciences.
And the ability of those who work in the repair of cars if he studies mechanical engineering, and so on; When talent or skill meets science, creativity gets and develops.
Education has been and continues to be the first incubator of creativity and many other things, However, education polish creativity at the person, for example, the beauty of music increases if the player is educated to the science of music.
Seeking knowledge may be difficult in many times, making many people turn away from it because of the distress it causes them, but if they know how much benefit they will learn from it, they would not do this.
Hence, every talented person has to polish his talent with science as much as possible, because science is the secret of success, which in its essence and its path as well.
The state that maintains its educational system in the state that excels in all fields at all levels, whether social, cultural, economic, or military, and in all other fields. That is why education is essential for any nation that pursues the well-being and growth of its people.
Education is one of the most important things that a person needs because it meets all the basic needs that seek behind.
Science develops the brain, and gives the human abilities he did not have, such as logical thinking, for example, which should be acquired by students of engineering and scientific disciplines.
Patience and perseverance are the two ways for a man to have useful knowledge useful for him and for people around him.
One of the most important qualities that all those who intend to learn must possess: patience, perseverance, and seriousness in seeking knowledge.
Education must be a way to give children and adults the opportunity to participate actively in the transformation of the communities in which they live. Learning must also take into account the values, attitudes, and behaviors that enable people to learn to live together in a world characterized by justice and pluralism. Many developing countries have not developed and overcome the problems of poverty and disease, but only by education and the establishment of new generations that keep pace with the progress of modern technology to apply to their country to help it to progress properly.
Education is a lighthouse that guides people to the right path they will take in this life, In addition, education is the cause of appearance, progress, and elevation, not only at the individual level but also at the level of States.
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