
براجراف قصير عن السلام بالانجليزي

جمعنا لكم اهم موضوع تعبير و  براجراف قصير عن السلام بالانجليزي ، يعتبر السلام هو حالة من الهدوء والأمان تعم على مختلف الشعوب الموجودة في العديد من الدول الموجودة حول العالم، فالسلام هو امل كل شعب موجود على وجه الأرض، فالسلام يعطي المزيد من الحرية والتحرك على اراضي الدولة كما تشاء عكس حالة الحرب تماما، فإليكم براجراف قصير عن السلام بالانجليزي.

براجراف قصير عن السلام بالانجليزي

The spread of economic welfare among people, as people will take care of their work in times of peace, unlike the times of war, which one pays attention to only one thing which is to avoid missiles and deadly bullets.

Peace works on the citizens’ sense of security and safety and provides a safe environment to follow their affairs of life without fear, the stability of the government and the political process, the development of the country’s economy, and the provision of all basic needs and social welfare.

Peace is calm, peacefulness, tranquility, and not resorting to war, and it is a solution that states resort to settling disputes without using violence.

The United Nations aims to maintain peace and security, security, disarmament, and the development of relations between the countries that join it. It includes 193 countries, it is a global organization founded in 1945, which includes the independent countries of the world, and it achieves international cooperation in all fields.

Peace in religion is the salutation of Islam and the salutation of the people of Paradise. It is also one of the most beautiful names of God and one of his characteristics. He called himself peace for his safety from all the shortcomings and faults attached to his creatures and the house of peace meant by Paradise.

We must strive to achieve peace and strive to spread it and make society aware of the importance of peace, to lead a decent life without humiliation and without wars and not to waste human energies, and to achieve scientific and urban progress, and spreading peace between us leads to tolerance, non-extremism, and intolerance to a cause, and not resort to violence in Solve our problems. If every country is interested in achieving peace, global crises will be resolved.

People from different countries of the world, and their cultures, are closer together because of peace. The environment of peace is better than the environment of destruction for the spread of ideas.

With the flourishing of the tourist movement, tourism in countries that are war-ravaged is less likely to find an active tourist movement in it, in return for its activity in safe and peaceful countries.

In order to achieve peace and security, countries must join together in their joint efforts to achieve peace, through the establishment of a peaceful and stable international environment for social development in the country, as well as the need for investments in the areas of health, education, and participation, especially for youth in society.

The world deprived of peace will collapse and resemble old times filled with injustice, in which the weak are prey to the stronger.

Preserving the monuments of the state and its civilization; bombs and explosives will not differentiate between centuries-old and modern, governmental, or sensitive buildings, especially if these bombs and explosives are in the hands of rust-contaminated minds and shattered souls.

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