تعبير عن هواية كرة القدم بالانجليزي قصير

جمعنا لكم موضوع تعبير عن هواية كرة القدم بالانجليزي قصير ، تعتبر هواية كرة القدم من اجمل الهوايات الرياضية التي يمكن أن يهتم بها الإنسان في مختلف المراحل العمرية، لما لها من فوائد عديدة اهمها المحافظة على لياقة الجسم وتجنب الإصابة بأي أمراض وخاصة البدنية والجسمانية، فهي مفيدة للغاية للياقة البدنية خاصة وللصحة العامة كذلك، فلذلك ينبغي أن نربي ابنائنا على ممارسة الرياضة الجميلة، وإليكم موضوع تعبير عن هواية كرة القدم بالانجليزي قصير.
تعبير عن هواية كرة القدم بالانجليزي قصير
Football hobby is one of the fun, easy and simple sports hobbies that it can be practiced at different age levels and it does not require hard effort at all at all, you do not need to play football except physical exercise that makes you active and light to move the ball as you like in the right path, so how beautiful is the practice of football hobby.
Many of the traffic accidents have been exposed to people I know because of their street play, and playing football inside the house is also forbidden because we often break furniture and windows while playing.
So whenever there are a good understanding and communication between the players you will find great achievements and a wonderful organized game which makes fans who love this sport feel happy.
Football is useful for the heart. Football requires a lot of physicalities and allows the development of the heart muscle and with repeated efforts, the force will gain and work longer without failure. As a result, your heart rate will slow, your blood pressure will decrease, and your heart will become healthier. So I love to exercise it to get good health to help me fight to age.
The hobby of football is passion for many people, especially young people, in many times a person cannot play, in most cases a person avoids playing during the afternoon period, because during that period the sun is very intense and the atmosphere is hot and not encouraging to play at all .
Since childhood, football has attracted many followers especially children, and continues to practice during the first period of their lives and then stop at puberty. But many adults are still playing football. It must be said that like all sports, football brings many health benefits that add to the fun of playing as a team, and the fun challenge that exists among friends
To play football, you should be keen on physical exercise that is appropriate for your body and fitness, of us you should be careful to wear a padded glove in your hands so that you do not suffer any bruise because you will definitely use your hands in playing, so football is one of the most enjoyable sports hobbies.
When the sun is very hot and hot, no person can play football even if it is his greatest concern, because the sun is very hot and not encouraging to play, but there are many times during the day when it is permissible to practice football, whether with friends or others Young.
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