أبحاثأماكن سياحية

براجراف بالانجليزي عن السفر

جمعنا لكم افضل موضوع تعبير  براجراف بالانجليزي عن السفر ، إن للسفر أنواع عديدة يمكن أن يكون بهدف العلاج أو السياحة أو التعليم أو لأي هدف أخر، ويمكن أن يكون داخل الدولة وفي تلك الحالة يسمى بـ”السياحة الداخلية”، أو خارج الدولة التي يعيش فيها الإنسان وفي تلك الحالة تسمى بـ”السياحة الخارجية”، ولكن في كل الأحوال تعتبر السياحة من امتع الرحلات في الحياة، فإليكم براجراف بالانجليزي عن السفر.

براجراف بالانجليزي عن السفر

Travel has physical and psychological benefits; it enhances the sense of happiness, as it leads to a low level of cortisol in the body, which makes the person calm and satisfied.

Traveling is the dream of many people. I personally dream of taking the plane and sitting next to the window and watching the ground from the top and traveling to Rome and Italy also to Turkey and Dubai. So I think a lot about traveling and I feel I love it so much. Always when I travel to nearby areas like my grandmother’s village I find myself very happy, I like this atmosphere and our conversation throughout the trip. So I love traveling a lot.

Travel enhances the positive feeling of the individual towards his country, especially when he goes to poor countries with limited resources; the lack of electricity in an area, for example, makes the person grateful to his country and to the services provided to him.

Human life is characterized by busyness, congestion, therefore, travel is a refuge from the stresses of daily life, and helps to reduce tension, where the person spends a full time of rest and recreation.

Travel is a good treatment for frustration and a substitute for antidepressant drugs, based on the results of a range of research.

In addition, the person enhances his creative sense by identifying new places and cultures and experiencing unusual experiences.

The person experiences new experiences when traveling, where he expands his horizons and has the opportunity to mix with diverse cultures and the possibility of learning from them and develops on the personal and social levels.

Another study found that women who travel once or twice every two years are more likely to be frustrated and chronically stressed than those who travel at least twice a year.

Traveling to multiple areas is very natural because of the different living areas of my father

Travel is my future dream that I have prepared for. Once I finish my studies I want to travel abroad until I finish my studies and work there so that I have a better time and opportunity to visit many of the world’s famous natural and tourist areas. But I certainly have experience of travel, not only in my dreams. I travel a lot with my family members to many countries either for the summer holidays or to spend some business with one of my parents. I love to accompany them to see the new places and be at this time very happy.

s parents. At the end of the semester, I am ready to travel to two different countries to spend some days with my relatives. So travel is a routine in my life since I was young and I became accustomed to it and love it so much. I know how to handle it and learned a lot through my observation.

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